Patrizia Massner

Patrizia Massner

Ph.D. candidate at IIES - Institute for International Economic Studies

Stockholm University


I am a PhD student of Economics at the IIES, Stockholm University. My research relates to topics in Labor Economics (mainly), Public and Health Economics. In particular, I am eager to understand drivers of economic inequalities and to identify effective policy measures that work towards a more equal distribution of opportunities. At present, my projects cover topics related to the financing of elderly care in Sweden, perceptions of skills and occupational sorting, the role of childcare in female labor supply, as well as the career-family trade-off.

I visited the Department of Economics at Harvard University for the academic year 2022/23.

  • PhD in Economics, 2019 - current

    Stockholm University

  • MSc in Economics, 2019

    University of Bonn

  • BSc in Economics, 2016

    University of Mannheim

Working Papers
